Pro Lithium Race Battery without charger
Pro Lithium Race Batteries
Don’t let their size fool you, these lithium batteries pack a decent punch in performance!
- Integrated with smart cell technology and ability to check on status with built in Bluetooth app control, you should never find out race day your battery is discharged.
Note* Due to these being a smart technology battery it does have temperature set points which do not allow operation in extreme cold conditions. Make sure battery temp is between: 0°F - 140°F
8-14.7 volt sustained operation range (Battery with no load runs 13.3V)
12 volt 4amp Lithium Battery Charger - $39.95
charger not included with battery price*
3 sizes to choose from (all 3 sizes BCI Group Size - U1)
12v Lithium Race Battery
30ah / 9lbs / 1220ca / M6 Terminals
12v Lithium Race Battery
10ah / 4.4lbs / 720ca / M6 terminal
12v Lithium Race Battery
5ah / 3.5lbs / 500ca / M6 terminal
$299.95 retail